The Code

See the example code block below for the actual Javascript code used to build this app.

                        // App Controller / Entry Point
                        // communicates with the DOM, get the user's input
                        function getValues() {
                        // get alert box
                        let alertbox = document.getElementById("alertBox");
                        // removing style classes from alert message box temporarily
                        // get the user's input string from the DOM
                        let userInput = document.getElementById("userMessage").value;
                        // sets regex to any non-alphanumeric characters whitespace 
                        // characters, and underscores globally
                        const regEx = /[\W\s_]/g;
                        // takes the userInput string, converts it to lowercase,
                        // then removes the above declared regEx characters and
                        // whitespaces and replaces them with nothing, then
                        // assigns the resulting string to the variable userInput
                        userInput = userInput.toLowerCase().replace(regEx, "");
                        // takes userInput variable string, converts it to an array,
                        // reverses it, then converts the array back to a string
                        let reversedInput = userInput.split("").reverse().join("");
                        // If user input character length is greater than 0, 
                        if (userInput.length > 0) {
                            // assigns result of the function checkForPalindrome that runs 
                            // with a parameter of userInput to the variable reversedInput
                            let isPalindrome = checkForPalindrome(userInput);
                            // assigns result of the function displayResults that runs 
                            // with a parameters of reversedInput and isPalindrome 
                            // to the variable displayResults
                            displayResults(reversedInput, isPalindrome);
                            // If user input character length is less than 0,
                            // so, if they din't enter anything a message pop-up
                            // displays the following error message
                        } else {
                            icon: "error",
                            backdrop: false,
                            title: "Error",
                            text: "Please enter, letters, a word, a phrase, or numbers.",

                        // Business logic
                        // This function is responsible for comparing the
                        //  string the user entered and the string in reverse
                        // to determine whether a string is a palindrome or not
                        function checkForPalindrome(userInput) {
                        // takes userInput variable string, converts it to an array,
                        // reverses it, then converts the array back to a string
                        let reversedInput = userInput.split("").reverse().join("");
                        // If the variables reversedInput and userInput are equal
                        // (the same), the value is then assigned to the
                        // variable isPalindrome because it is a palindrome.
                        let isPalindrome = reversedInput == userInput;
                        // returns the variable isPalindrome holding the user's 
                        // input string palindrome as a value
                        return isPalindrome;

                        // View
                        // This function is responsible for displaying a message to 
                        // the user to show whether their string is a palindrome or not
                        function displayResults(reversedInput, isPalindrome) {
                        // assigns the value of the below if statement 
                        // to the variable resultMessage for display 
                        let resultMessage = "";
                        // comminicates with the DOM, gets the element with the ID
                        // alertBox to add a style class to the alert depending on the 
                        // results of the below ternary statement, if true/a palindrome
                        // adding the class alert-success or if false/not a palindrome 
                        // adding the class alert-danger
                        let alertBox = document.getElementById("alertBox");
                        let alertClass = isPalindrome == true ? "alert-success" : "alert-danger";
                        // depending on true or false results of the users string
                        // from the function isPalindrome, one of the two below 
                        // instructions will execute to give instructions on which
                        // message to display
                        if (isPalindrome == true) {
                            // assigns the following string showing that the user's input 
                            // is a palindrome to the ID resultHeader for display
                            resultHeader = "Hurray, it's a palindrome!";
                            // assigns the user's original input string but reversed
                            // to the variable resultHeader 
                            resultMessage = "YOUR PHRASE REVERSED IS: " + reversedInput;
                        } else {
                            // assigns the following string showing that the user's input 
                            // is not a palindrome to the ID resultHeader for display
                            resultHeader = "Sorry try again, it's not a palindrome!";
                            // assigns the user's original input string but reversed
                            // to the variable resultHeader
                            resultMessage = "YOUR PHRASE REVERSED IS: " + reversedInput;
                        // communicates with the DOM to show the message with th result
                        // of the palindrome check, either yes or no, to the user
                        document.getElementById("alertHeader").textContent = resultHeader;
                        // communicates with the DOM to show the reversed message string 
                        // text content on the page 
                        document.getElementById("returnMsg").textContent = resultMessage;
                        //removes the class d-none to get the alert to display to the user

The code is structured in three functions.


prints out the message